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Body, my body / creative event

We will examine how our bodies feel when they meet with others – how do they feel about themselves, and how do they react to other people’s bodies? How do we imagine our shape? Our colour? How do we experience our smell? What do our bodies invite us to do? Where would they like to go? Or be taken?

In programme

Creators: Kolekttacz (Aniela Kokosza, Paulina Giwer-Kowalewska)


Please dress comfortably, in clothes that don’t restrict your movement, and make sure to wear warm socks.

This is an event that will allow you to consciously feel your body during movement and play. How do we perceive it? We will examine how our bodies feel when they meet with others – how do they feel about themselves, and how do they react to other people’s bodies? How do we imagine our shape? Our colour? How do we experience our smell? What do our bodies invite us to do? Where would they like to go? Or be taken?

We will move according to our natural needs, spontaneously and in structure, interacting with the force of gravity. This will allow us to discharge accumulated tension, let go of difficult emotions and strengthen our agency; to feel well, make ourselves comfortable, and enjoy closeness and co-existence. All these activities affect the way our nervous system regulates itself. The safe atmosphere will be ensured by experienced performers. Dimmed light and non-invasive music will be suitable for participants with different sensory sensitivities, including those on the autism spectrum, who can be accompanied by their adult relatives. All planned activities will be carried out together and independently, without any pressure.

During the workshop, we use the Intibag sensory objects created by Izabela Chlewińska, a dancer and choreographer. They come in several different shapes: heavy beanbags filled with buckwheat husk, cocoons, hollow bags that stimulate large areas of the skin, and light objects that teach body organisation in space.