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Concert of Bastarda Trio and Maniucha Bikont / PREMIERE

Event in Polish language.
In programme

Lyrics: Marcin Wicha
Compositions: Maniucha Bikont, Michał Górczyński, Tomasz Pokrzywiński, Paweł Szamburski
Performing: Bastarda Trio, i.e. Paweł Szamburski (clarinet), Michał Górczyński (double bass clarinet), Tomasz Pokrzywiński (cello), and Maniucha Bikont (vocals)

Tomorrow “today” will be “yesterday.”
Tomorrow “tomorrow” will be “today.”
Tomorrow “yesterday” Anyway, I don’t know.
Let’s go outside. Don’t be slow!

Tomorrow “today” will be “yesterday.”
Tomorrow “tomorrow” will be “today.”
Tomorrow “yesterday” Let me see.
Let’s go outside! Let’s run free!

When does the future actually begin? Does it sneak in like a cat? Does it run to you like a dog? Will it only happen next Tuesday, or already this morning?

Join us for a lyrical and musical story about the future, which… is already here. The concert celebrates children’s attentiveness and the intensity with which they observe life happening around them. In the Great Hall of CK ZAMEK in Poznań, the Bastarda Trio and Maniucha Bikont will perform songs they composed together to lyrics written by Marcin Wicha with listeners of all ages in mind.

Unusual combination of instruments producing together a truly extraordinary sound is the Bastarda Trio’s trademark. Between reinterpretations of historical music, folk, and jazz-like improvisations, the band creates pieces appreciated by both the listeners and critics. This is the group’s first collaboration with Maniucha Bikont, an anthropologist and singer gifted with a bright, luminous voice. All Maniucha’s artistic peregrinations and anthropological explorations stem from her passion for the traditional music of Central and Eastern Europe.