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Kingdoms / theatre performance

For the first time in the history of Gulliver Puppet Theatre, the group has created a performance addressed to people with different sensory sensitivities, including those on the autism spectrum. The spectacle was co-produced with Theatre 21.

Performance in Polish language. English translation available on demand.
In programme

Direction: Justyna Sobczyk
Directing cooperation, choreography: Iza Chlewińska
Dramaturgy: Justyna Czarnota
Set design: Magdalena Łazarczyk
Costumes, puppets: Wisla Nicieja
Music: Sebastian Świąder
Video: Jan Domicz
Lighting: Sebastian Klim
Cast: Honorata Zajączkowska (Nun Bernardeta), Elzbieta Pejko (Kostka the Sheep), Anna Przygoda (Nun Clementina), Marta Stańczyk (Queen Eustachia, in the recording), Tomasz Kowol (Cyril the Octopus), Adam Wnuczko (Valerian the Peacock)

For the first time in the history of Gulliver Puppet Theatre, the group has created a performance addressed to people with different sensory sensitivities, including those on the autism spectrum. The spectacle was co-produced with Theatre 21.

Meet Eustachia, the Queen of Venus, who has been observing the Earth and its inhabitants for a long time. She marvels at how many creatures live on the planet and how everyone can find a place for themselves. But, wait a minute, what can she see from her perspective? Two nuns, Bernardeta and Clementine. More than anything else, they love being constantly on the move and experiencing various adventures. One day, they simply lock the door and set off on a balloon trip, taking their wise friend Kostka the Sheep along with them. Ahead of them is a flight across the horizon and a landing in a park, where they will meet Valerian the Peacock, the protector of dreams and night visions. And as if that wasn’t enough, they will also go on a bathyscaphe excursion to the depths of the Pacific Ocean, where they will have the chance to dance with the fish. They will also meet Cyril the Octopus, with whom Kostka the Sheep will share an affection so strong, that they will create a Kingdom together. Finally, back home! You may think that the nuns are taking a rest now. Far from that! Looking through the telescope, they search for new experiences in the vast outer space. And – surprise, surprise – who do they meet out there? Isn’t it Eustachia, the Queen of Venus? What will result from this meeting?

A theatrical show full of extraordinary adventures that allows us to look at each and every one of us as a separate realm. The visual, incredibly artistic story is an expression of awe for the planet and all existence, in its entire diversity. It is a tribute to the unfettered creative imagination that will bring plenty of joy to the youngest audience members and their adult companions. It is also friendly and safe for neurodiverse people. The play was met with an enthusiastic response from reviewers. No wonder, it would be difficult not to appreciate the bravura, light-hearted, and humorous acting, as well as engaging drama. All this in a setting of beautiful scenery and original costumes.

The show was created during the first wave of the pandemic on the basis of stories written and illustrated by Marta Stańczyk, an actress in Theatre 21, who plays the role of Queen Eustachia. This is Gulliver’s first-ever performance created for people with different sensory sensitivities, including those on the autism spectrum. The spectacle was co-produced with Theatre 21.